Grief Compass: Free sessions every Wednesday

If you've experienced loss, this space is for you.

Grief can feel very lonely and heavy. In many cases, we don't know where to get support and who to talk to. We long for moments of comfort and calm. We long for a community of those who understand, where we can be ourselves.

In these 40-minute, regular, and free sessions, we will embrace and honor our grief, together. For this, we'll explore different techniques, including guided reflection, journaling, visualization, breathwork, and more.

We will find quietness and relief and reflect on what's been hiding inside. Here you can also ask questions and connect with others who are also dealing with the pain of loss.

You are not alone in your grief.

For whom

The session is for you if you've lost someone due to death. However, if you are going through separation or divorce, you may also greatly benefit from it.

How to join

Klick on the link

Our plan

20 min of a guided session: I'll offer a topic to explore and an exercise and you work on it individually with my guidance (no need to talk or share). Cameras on or off, anonymously or with your name - any option is fine.

20 min (optional) questions and sharing.

I will open the room at 18:25 - please log in a few minutes before so that we can start on time.

How to prepare

No special preparation needed - come as you are!

However, it would be ideal to be in a quiet environment.
You may also want to have some paper and a pen to make notes.

What other participants say

"I thought I was over grief and that I moved on. But by the second session, I realized that the feelings I hid in my heart came aloud through the kindness, guidance and light Elena shared with every one of us.

So I joined every session, knowing that it was something I needed to do for myself. I am so grateful that I learned that grief is the same for us all, we sometimes just don't know how to cope with it.

Join Elena's sessions if you want to know more about yourself, about the strength that lies within you, and if you want to start living your life more truthfully." - Ioana

Important! Please be aware that these sessions are intended to be supportive and educational and are not a substitute for therapy. If you are experiencing severe distress, I urge you to consult with your healthcare provider or reach out to an emergency hotline.

Join the session

Join the Grief Support group on Meetup