My new free course «Navigating Grief» is online!

This summer marked the 4th year since my mom's passing. A big part of my family had also passed away before her. I know that grief can be overwhelming, confusing, and devastating.

Over the past few years, I have been dedicated to working with the topic of grief as a systemic coach, educator, and leader of self-support groups. Grief is one of the most complex subjects, encompassing multiple challenging psychological, social, and physical aspects. There is no shame in seeking ways to support yourself through the grieving process.

Therefore, I am proud to announce my new online course on grief.

For whom: For everyone who is going through grief, with a primary focus on those grieving the loss of a loved one. However, individuals experiencing separation or divorce may also greatly benefit from it.

How it works: You will receive an email from me every day for 7 days. Each email will contain a message addressing one aspect of grief and an accompanying exercise. You can complete the course at your own pace.

Cost: Free of charge (and free of ads)

Sign up here

Please share this with those who might benefit from it, and feel free to reach out with any feedback.